23-24 October 2024
MCEC, Melbourne

Digital Products for All Energy Australia




Lead Manager App is perfect for maximising your leads at a show

  • The show floor at the events can be a fast-paced environment! It requires a badge scanning solution that is simple, flexible, fast, and can run on a regular mobile phone.
  • Lead Manager App captures trusted data from the visitor badges used for show registration, and can be used by multiple stand staff, so you never miss a lead.


Ideal for new product launches and brand building

  • Printed brochures incur a lot of cost and waste at a show. Lead Manager App supports going paperless by emailing digital content to scanned visitors automatically.
  • Create custom questions in Lead Manager App to digitally collect feedback on a newly-launched product. Stand staff can even add notes and a star-rating to high quality leads.
  • Download a full lead report after the show.


Receive qualified leads before the show begins, and increase booth traffic at the show.

  • Many companies like to make promotions at industry events to drive booth traffic. Adding it to a Digital Incentives Offer Bag at your next show will ensure it’s seen by over half the attendees. 
  • Create a simple offer and RX will email a link to everyone who registers as part of the OFFERS page, promoted to visitors.
  • Attendees who like your offer can swipe to accept it, and you will receive their contact details in return. 
  • Target specific customers, drive stand awareness and even generate leads before the show.


The Exhibitor Dashboard offers a data-driven approach to ensure you get the most out of your participation at All Energy Australia. It gives you visibility into quantifiable business values. With the dashboard, you can:

  • Quantify your company profile views and leads captured through the event.
  • Split view leads by dimensions of interest.
  • Assess online visitor engagement with your company and products/services over time.
  • View matchmaking recommendations made to visitors by RX on your behalf through different channels.


Benchmark Analytics helps exhibitors track multiple market signals to develop a data-driven assessment of their performance against their competitors.

Unlike most insight providers which track data from similar sources, Benchmark Analytics provides a view of visitor behaviour based on the trade show ecosystem.

​​​​​​​Exhibitors can uncover visitor engagement patterns on their defined competitors cut by product categories, region, company size and new product launches.

With Benchmark Analytics, you can answer the following questions:

  1. Where do I stand in relation to my competitors?
  2. How can I improve my performance?



The Business Matching Program provides visitors with a personalised list of exhibitors that match their specific needs and interests. This encourages one-on-one meetings with exhibitors.

  • Ensure your exhibitor profile, products & categories are filled in.
  • Visitors will then select the products & categories they are interested in during their registration process.
  • Visitors will then receive recommendations based on this information via email and also the website, adding them to their show planner.
  • View your quantifiable recommendations via your exhibitor dashboard.

All Energy Australia 2023 - What an incredible event! Two days packed with excitement, innovation, and endless possibilities where OSW showcased the most extensive solar portfolio, met countless customers, inked new strategic agreements, and strengthened our bonds with valued vendors.


All Energy Australia 2023

It was a pleasure meeting so many like-minded people dedicated to achieving the energy transition. We value the opportunity to answer your questions, showcase the latest Tesvolt energy storage technology and connect over our shared goal to support the transition to Australia’s net-zero future.

Tesvolt / Unlimited Energy Australia

All Energy Australia 2023

This has been a massive step up from last year to this year and we think it's just going to keep on growing. It’s the biggest exhibition for the entire clean energy industry with over 400 exhibitors all here showcasing their latest products alongside a fantastic speaker program. We had some extraordinary keynote speakers and some highly technical sessions throughout the two days.

Kane Thornton
Clean Energy Council

All Energy Australia 2023

I've been coming to All Energy Australia for close to 10 years now and I really feel that this year, in particular, has been one of the most successful I've seen for attendance. I think it's vital to be here as an exhibitor and if you're a vendor or a manufacturer of any particular brand, I think you really need to be involved with All Energy Australia.

Stephen Ruskin

All Energy Australia 2023

I love All Energy Australia because it's the biggest show that we have here in this country and this year it’s even better and greater than it was last year. All Energy Australia is really important to the industry because it's a place for us to come together and network but also talk about the latest technology advances and figure out how we can tackle the energy transition together.

Doris Spielthenner
SMA Australia

All Energy Australia 2023

This is our first year coming to this great event. We are actually a consumer company. So we've been around in the industry for about 10 years, but we are recently just trying to expand to new areas. All Energy Australia provides a platform for the people who work in this industry to get to know each other, exchange thoughts and showcase their brands. That's why it is super, super important to us.

Gaspar Xie
Anker Innovations Ltd

All Energy Australia 2023


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Alexandra Walker

Account Manager

+61 2 9422 2647

Johnny Huynh

Account Manager

+61 2 9422 2031

Christopher Imhoff

Account Manager

+61 2 9422 2665

Lydia Zhou

Sales Manager

+86 (0) 188 1108 1958



CHINA Beijing Heliview International Exhibition Co, Ltd

Ren Enjie - General Manager
Tel: +86 10 6762 0925
Fax: +86 10 6766 3025
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.heliview.cn


Beijing UH Exhibition Service Co.,Ltd

Pan Lan - General Manager
Tel: +86 10 68368021
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.uexpo.com.cn


IBC Group

Akhil Jajoo
Tel: +91 99202 60800
Email: [email protected]
Website: ibcgroup.co.in


International Trade Shows Professional

Camilla Lanza
Tel: +39 348 5949623
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cl-events.it


Expertrade (Vicus Ventures S.L.)

Victor M. Dorado
Tel: +34 606 547 314
Email: [email protected]
Website: expertrade.biz


WES Worldwide Expo Services Ltd.

Sharie Chan
Tel: +886-2-2598-2630
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: wesexpo.com


EIFEC Company Limited

Nguyen Boi Ngoc (Meran)
Tel: +84 (0) 90 409 9281
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: eifec.com.vn